Everyone's talking about money, but really what we're worried about is time

More than ever we're hustling and killing ourselves, all the while feeling guilty about not wanting to be the superwoman who can do everything all the time. *Insert dreams of winning the lotto and running away*

I wanted to have a life where I can take a walk in the middle of a day, have a glass of wine with lunch, travel often AND help people do good in the world. Is that really too much to ask?

My initial thought was how much harder I'd have to work to be able to afford travel. So there goes lunches at the corner restaurant because really I should just eat at my desk. (Did I really leave my job to eat at my desk again?) Maybe I can make time over the weekend if I'm not too tired.

The next thing that I was bombarded by was all these make 6-figures fast  posts (or are we at 7 now? I can't keep track) that the social media algorithms seem to think I can't get enough of. So ok, I have to now run high ticket intensives so that I can add more zeros to my income. And webinars and reels and ads...

It's no wonder why everyone is burned out these days. How am I going to get it all done? How do I find life/work balance?

I'm not always sure that balance is attainable. Or at least not in the way that most people talk about it. There are certainly times when you have to roll up your sleeves and put a little extra effort (whether that's in life or work) and there are times when you can cruise. I think my biggest concern is how might we ensure that we don't fall into a routine where it's all work all the time with a vague idea of a pay-off that always seems ever so slightly unreachable.

So a quick life update, I took a month off to travel. I LOVED IT! It's something that I want to plan for moving forward. In fact, I've been wanting to do that for ages but there was always one thing missing. A whole-hearted decision.

It's nice to dream about "when I can finally ____" sometime in the future. But it takes a decision and willingness. I'm going to do it. Now. And by “now,” I don't necessarily mean you'll drop everything right this second. Now might mean that you plan out next year's calendar so you don't take clients in the month of August. Now might mean raising prices on your next program so that you can start saving towards taking a month off. Now might mean ideating forms of passive income. The point is that there is no right or wrong, it's what's right for you.

This is not fairytales and gumdrops, things don't always just happen magically (though I have plenty of experiences that prove otherwise). There is some participation and effort required, but rather than immediately defaulting to working harder and making more money, we want to stop to consider what are the things that truly matter to me? How can I do more of what I love? And not just for work but, how do I infuse joy into my everyday? Who are the people I enjoy working with and how can I serve them in a way that's sustainable? What are those desires that I've been pushing back to "one day" and what can I do now to start working towards them?

Ps. If this resonates and you want to start a convo, let’s have a chat!

Yaritsa Arenas

Hello, lovely! I’m Yari and I empower Coaches & Changemakers with the space and confidence to get clear on their brand vision and define success on their own terms. Ready to finally create a brand that feels truly aligned & connects with your ideal clients at a deeper level? Let's chat!


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