Aligned Brand Assessment

Resources for Mostly Bs

If you landed here by chance and want to do the assessment, sign up here

We're getting there, lovely! 😊

It sounds like you have certain things figured out and other details need a little more thought. You mainly need support in filling the gaps and starting to define your own path. Start by reviewing your answers and pinpoint the areas that you’re least clear on. Write them down (for real, for real) and spend some time fleshing them out.

Chances are, you're at a stage of business where you have a vision of what you’re working toward but aren’t sure how to get there. You've done some DIY courses or filled out a few lead-gen workbooks to get that bit of clarity you're missing, but they’ve fallen short. I get it, it's really difficult to see yourself objectively and you don't always know what questions to ask yourself to dive as deep as you need to in order to find those nuggets of gold. You’re ready for 1:1 support to directly address your unique challenges and goals.

Below are a few resources that can help you move forward whether on your own or with support:

Considerations —

  • What does success look like to you?
    Set aside for a moment what the influencer talking heads, your family, society, friends, etc etc say success looks like. What is the best case scenario for you? What would make you feel happy and fulfilled?

  • Who are your services best suited for? Who are they not for?
    Start to focus on who you’re best equipped to help (beyond demographics). Is there a stage of life or business they need to be in? Do they have a particular mindset that best aligns with your offer? Who is NOT a good fit? This is just as important as knowing who you want to work with because it helps ensure that they’re in a space to benefit from your offer.

  • Have you deviated from the industry norm in any way?
    A great way to start finding what makes you distinct and helps you stand out from your competitors is looking at areas where you disagree with the status quo. Do you have a different approach to what everyone else is doing/saying?

  • What do you want to be known for?
    What is the bigger impact you’re hoping to have in the world? In your client’s lives? Beyond the tangible offer you provide, how are you adding value to those you work with?

From the Journal —

Actionable Steps —


  • Action item #1

  • Action item #2

  • Action item #3

Want 1:1 Support?

Ways We Can Work Together

Brand Clarity Deep Dive (BCDD)

Through a series of comprehensive, strategy-led workshops, we’ll create a memorable brand experience that will attract and delight your clients and grow your business with confidence.

  • An outside, unbiased perspective on your brand

  • Insights & strategies to tackle your challenges

  • 1:1 workshops & progress check-ins via Zoom

  • Comprehensive Brand Strategy Roadmap (PDF)

  • 3-mo action plan

Let’s Discuss Your Brand »

BCDD & Visual Brand Identity

This option includes everything in the BCDD Plus: We’ll use what we’ve uncovered about your brand to inform the creation of a captivating and aligned visual identity that truly represents you.

  • Primary + secondary logo

  • Unique color palette

  • Typography system

  • Imagery guidance

  • Visual brand guidelines (PDF)

Let’s Discuss Your Brand »

1:1 Brand Consultation

Spend less time second-guessing by untangling overthinking.

Book a 1:1 session with me if you:

  • need a new perspective on something you're struggling with 🧐

  • want to review your offering or message 🤔

  • have a burning question about your branding 🙋🏽‍♀️

  • need help figuring out your next step 👣

Book 1:1 Consultation »


If you need help figuring out your next steps, I’m here!