Brand Collaborations


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Where it began

Speaking Tongues podcast launched in early 2020 with a focus on learning languages. It began through conversations between Elle and her then co-worker as they taught each other words in the different Italian dialects they each spoke. This then sparked the idea “This could be a podcast!” Weekly episodes have been airing ever since.

Where we’re headed

With a few years of podcasting under her belt, Elle has had a desire to diversify and make a bigger impact in real life, not just the virtual space. There is a bigger interest in storytelling and the power of sharing our stories and identities beyond simply learning a language. Elle wants to bring her ideology and brand into a business in the real world.

Speaking Tongues aims to

Create space for conversations about identity, belonging and cultural curiosity

Elle had a lot of thoughts, some of which are tangentially connected, but the connections haven’t always been clear and even when she could make those connections, she couldn’t quite translate it in a way that other people knew they wanted to be involved.

During our time together, we were able to flesh out some of her ideas and validate the things that are currently working towards her goals as well as outline improvements she can make along the way.

We created a prioritized list of goals and I provided my recommendations on where to invest her time, money and energy to ensure she’s maximizing impact without maxing her bandwidth.

All of this was provided in a handy recap that she can easily reference anytime.

Storytelling Through Language — Everyone Has a Story

Speaking Tongues Gives voice and equity to understudied and overlooked languages and cultures


Infusing more of Elle into her brand

With guided feedback and a plan on what she can lean into and what she can improve on, Elle has the confidence to infuse more of herself into her brand. We now see photos of Elle and her guests when she posts about latest episodes (not just the podcast cover) and she’s even done a few IG Lives by herself and with co-hosts.

While languages are still a strong focal point, there is now more room to talk about personal stories, journeys and identities as well as delicious foods and open conversations about how multiculturalism impacts our approach to life.

A few words about Elle’s experience:

“I have been feeling much more confident about the path forward for my brand.

You were able to take the mess that was living in my head and make it clear, cohesive and digestible to me; something I have been aiming to do alone for years. I have been able to reflect on where I want to take the brand and how to include more of "me" in my messaging.”

Elle Charisse, Speaking Tongues


Speaking Tongues