Are you "overpacking" your brand?

I'm pretty terrible at packing.

I always inevitably overpack and I end up with so many unused clothes on my trip. Space that could have fit more important things or that could have just made my bag much lighter.

For better or for worse, my mom has taught me lots of tricks to fit more things in my bag. I swear she can always make all the things fit neatly.

In my mind, I rather overpack than under-pack because who knows, maybe this will be the first time I use those shoes that have been collecting dust for ages (it won't be), or I'll finish that book on the plane ride (I will almost certainly fall asleep), or I'll need all the color options, rather than bringing items that I can mix and match with each other.

I find sometimes we do this too when it comes to our branding. You know you want to work with women in their 40s who have just experienced a career promotion (for example), but then get hung up with "what if a 20 year old starting her career sees my site? I don't want to turn her away!"

We're so concerned with what we may miss out on if we don't "overpack" that we forget how much lighter our suitcase would be if we just focus on the essentials.

That may look like overpacking your website with too much content because you want to make sure they have all the info they could possibly need, when really, we know they're not going to read though all that.

It may look like keeping your audience too broad and trying to appease everyone, when really we know a more focused, targeted message will attract our ideal clients. Clients who want what we offer, are a pleasure to work with and are willing to pay our rates and recommend us to their network.

It could also look like trying all the marketing tactics because you follow so many successful people and you want to do what they did. Inevitably you end up exhausted and not really clear on what, if anything, brought you results.  Really, it's more important to truly understand your own clients and what they respond to.

With this in mind, what is essential to your brand, your audience and your lifestyle? Where are you "overpacking" out of fear of missing out or lack of clarity? I'd love to know.

Yaritsa Arenas

Hello, lovely! I’m Yari and I empower Coaches & Changemakers with the space and confidence to get clear on their brand vision and define success on their own terms. Ready to finally create a brand that feels truly aligned & connects with your ideal clients at a deeper level? Let's chat!

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